Nell’ambito del corso di Sistemi Intelligenti il giorno 22 Maggio dalle 11 alle 14 in aula 5.7 presso la Scuola di Ingegneria e Architettura in Viale Risorgimento il Prof. Nicola Gatti del Politecnico di Milano terrà un seminario dal dal titolo "A gentle introduction to computational microeconomics".
Computational microeconomics, including algorithmic game theory and algorithmic mechanism design, is receiving a lot of attention in artificial intelligence community, specifically in multi-agent system field, since it provides the most elegant formal and algorithmic tools to deal with strategic interaction situations with multiple rational players. While algorithmic game theory aims at finding the best strategies rational players can play in a given situation (aka game), algorithmic mechanism design aims at finding the rules of the game (aka mechanism) such that some notable properties are satisfied. In the lecture, groundings of game theory and mechanism design will be provided together with related computational issues (including simple algorithms).