
  • Mariangiola Dezani-Ciancaglini; Paola Giannini; Angelo Troina, A Type System for a Stochastic CLS, in: Proceedings 3rd Workshop on Membrane Computing and Biologically Inspired Process Calculi, 2009, 11, pp. 91 - 105 (atti di: 3rd International Meeting on Membrane Computing and Biologically Inspired Process Calculi (MeCBIC'09), Bologna, Italy, September 2009) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]

  • R. Barbuti; A. Maggiolo-Schettini; P. Milazzo; A. Troina, A Methodology for the Stochastic Modelling and Simulation of Sympatric Speciation by Sexual Selection, «JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL SYSTEMS», 2009, 17, pp. 349 - 376 [Articolo in rivista]

  • Mariangiola Dezani; Paola Giannini; Angelo Troina, A Type System for Required/Excluded Elements in CLS, in: Proceedings 5th International Workshop on Developments of Computational Methods, 2009, 9, pp. 38 - 48 (atti di: 5th Workshop on Developments in Computational Models (DCM'09), Rhodes, Greece, July 2009) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]

  • Mario Coppo; Ferruccio Damiani; Elena Grassi; Mike Guether; Angelo Troina, Modelling an Ammonium Transporter with SCLS, in: Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Computational Models for Cell Processes, 2009, 6, pp. 77 - 92 (atti di: Second International Workshop on Computational Models for Cell Processes (COMPMOD 2009), Eindhoven, the Netherlands, November 3, 2009) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]

  • Bogdan Aman; Mariangiola Dezani; Angelo Troina, Type Disciplines for Analysing Biologically Relevant Properties, in: Proceedings of the Second International Meeting on Membrane Computing and Biologically Inspired Process Calculi (MeCBIC 2008), 2009, 227, pp. 97 - 111 (atti di: MecBic 2008, Iasi, 3–4 September 2008) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]

  • Chesani, Federico; Mello, Paola; Montali, Marco; Torroni, Paolo, Verification of choreographies during execution using the reactive event calculus, in: Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 2009, 5387, pp. 55 - 72 (atti di: 5th International Workshop on Web Services and Formal Methods, WS-FM 2008, Milan, ita, 2008) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]

  • Chesani, Federico; Mello, Paola; Montali, Marco; Torroni, Paolo, A REC-based commitment tracking tool, in: 10th Workshop on Objects and Agents, WOA'09, 2009, pp. 1 - 4 (atti di: 10th Workshop on Objects and Agents, WOA 2009, Parma, ita, 2009) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]

  • Giordano, Eugenio; Frank, Raphael; Ghosh, Abhishek; Pau, Giovanni; Gerla, Mario, Two ray or not two ray this is the price to pay, in: 2009 IEEE 6th International Conference on Mobile Adhoc and Sensor Systems, MASS '09, 2009, pp. 603 - 608 (atti di: 2009 IEEE 6th International Conference on Mobile Adhoc and Sensor Systems, MASS '09, Macau, chn, 2009) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]

  • Pau, Giovanni, Vehicles and the environment: The long journey from today's liabilities into tomorrow's assets, in: Asian Internet Engineeering Conference, AINTEC 2009, 2009, pp. 42 - 43 (atti di: Asian Internet Engineeering Conference, AINTEC 2009, Bangkok, tha, 2009) [Riassunto (Abstract)]

  • Sentinelli, Alexandro; Celetto, Luca; Lefol, Damien; Palazzi, Claudio; Pau, Giovanni; Zahariadis, Theodore; Jari, Ahola, Survey on P2P Overlay streaming clients, in: Towards the Future Internet, Amsterdam, IOS Press is an independent, international STM, 2009, pp. 273 - 282 [Capitolo/Saggio in libro]

  • Zahariadis, Theodore; Pau, Giovanni; Celetto, Luca; Daras, Petros, Seamless content delivery in the future mobile internet - Guest editorial, «IEEE WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS», 2009, 16, pp. 10 - 12 [Recensione in rivista]

  • Sentinelli, Alexandro; Marfia, Gustavo; Pau, Giovanni; Celetto, Luca, IPTV-P2P clients at home, in: 2009 16th International Conference on Systems, Signals and Image Processing, IWSSIP 2009, 2009, pp. 1 - 4 (atti di: 2009 16th International Conference on Systems, Signals and Image Processing, IWSSIP 2009, Chalkida, grc, 2009) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]

  • Del Bimbo, Alberto; Lisanti, Giuseppe; Pernici, Federico, Scale Invariant 3D Multi-Person Tracking using a Base Set of Bundle Adjusted Visual Landmarks, in: 12th International Conference on Computer Vision Workshops (ICCV Workshops), IEEE, 2009, pp. 1121 - 1128 (atti di: Ninth IEEE International Workshop on Visual Surveillance 2009 - 12th International Conference on Computer Vision, Kyoto (Japan), 27/09/2009-04/10/2009) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]

  • Del Bimbo, Alberto; Dini, Fabrizio; Lisanti, Giuseppe, A real time solution for face logging, in: 3rd International Conference on Crime Detection and Prevention (ICDP 2009), IET, 2009, pp. 10 - 15 (atti di: ICDP, London (UK), 03/12/2009) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]

  • Del Bimbo, Alberto; Dini, Fabrizio; Lisanti, Giuseppe; Pernici, Federico, Multitarget tracking in 3D con reti di telecamere PTZ, in: eBIS Workshop SICUREZZA E IDENTIFICAZIONE PERSONALE, Editrice Bibliografica, 2009, pp. 1 - 10 (atti di: Congresso Nazionale AICA, Roma (Italia), 05/11/2009) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]

  • Palazzi, C. E.; Bujari, A.; Cervi, E., P2P file sharing on mobile phones: Design and implementation of a prototype, in: Proceedings - 2009 2nd IEEE International inproceedings on Computer Science and Information Technology, ICCSIT 2009, 2009, pp. 136 - 140 (atti di: 2009 2nd IEEE International Conference on Computer Science and Information Technology, Beijing, China, 8-11 Aug. 2009) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]

  • GRECO GIANLUIGI; MALIZIA E; PALOPOLI LUIGI; SCARCELLO FRANCESCO, On the Complexity of Compact Coalitional Games, in: Proceedings of the 21st International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2009), 2009, pp. 147 - 152 (atti di: IJCAI-09, Pasadena, CA, USA, 11/07/2009 - 17/07/2009) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]

  • GRECO GIANLUIGI; MALIZIA E; PALOPOLI LUIGI; SCARCELLO FRANCESCO, Constrained Coalitional Games: Formal Framework, Properties, and Complexity Results (Extended Abstract), in: Proceedings of 8th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2009), 2009, pp. 1295 - 1296 (atti di: AAMAS 2009, Budapest, Hungary, 10/05/2009 - 15/05/2009) [Riassunto (Abstract)]

  • Mirri, S.; Muratori, L. A.; Roccetti, M.; Salomoni, P., Metrics for accessibility on the Vamolà project, in: W4A 2009 - International Cross Disciplinary Conference on Web Accessibility, Association for Computing Machinery, Inc, 2009, pp. 142 - 145 (atti di: 6th International Cross Disciplinary Conference on Web Accessibility, W4A 2009, Spain, 2009) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]

  • Amoroso A.; Roccetti M.; Nanni M.; Prati L., VANETS without limitations: An optimal distributed algorithm for multi-hop communications, in: 2009 6th IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference, CCNC 2009, IEEE, 2009, pp. 1 - 5 (atti di: 2009 6th IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference, CCNC 2009, Las Vegas, NV, usa, 2009) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]