Ercolani Laboratory (Bologna)
Please note that the labs, if not scheduled for classes, are open during the following hours:

Teaching Laboratories
Laboratory activities are a central part of the undergraduate students' university life.
Laboratories are resources made available to students for their teaching needs: a platform for developing projects, printing documents, surfing the web, etc..
To access the machines it is necessary to use the institutional credentials of the University (, after having been enabled (follow the instructions on the page dedicated to the service).
Students must follow the rules for the correct use of the teaching laboratories (attached).
The laboratories are supervised by special personnel, who must be given an identity document and sign a register with the times of entry and exit from the laboratory.
GNU/Linux Ercolani Lab:
52 fixed PCs for students with Internet access
45 workstations for student laptops.
Address: Scuole Ercolani, Mura Anteo Zamboni 2/B - Bologna.
In all the workstations the operating system Debian is installed.
The machines are equipped with Intel Core I5-4590 processors at 3.30 GHz and 8 GB of RAM.
The PCs can be used remotely 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
This lab is subject to access control, so access is allowed only through the use of the student badge, issued by the Student Secretariat of the School of Science (via Zamboni 33). From the moment of issue, it may take a few days to obtain the access authorization.
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