The Department of Computer Science and Engineering (DISI) was founded in January 2012 with the aim of promoting and developing research activities in the fields of science, engineering and information technology. The structures and the research and teaching activities are located in Bologna and Cesena.
The Department of Computer Science and Engineering (DISI), was born from the aggregation of professors and researchers from the Department of Information Sciences and the Department of Electronics, Computer Science and Systems.
The creation of the new department responds to the desire of the computer science community to intensify, and make more effective, the collaborations that have seen the two groups participating, integrating their specific skills, in research, technology transfer, teaching and training, in the disciplines of Computer Science and Computer Engineering.
DISI has 90 full professors and researchers and more than 60 fellows, research fellows and PhD students working in research areas such as: Artificial Intelligence, Autonomic and Complex Systems, Bioinformatics, Middleware and Computer Networks, Programming Languages, Formal Methods, Hardware and Software Systems, Information Management Systems, Multimedia Systems and their applications in the medical, energy, environmental and social fields.
The teaching activity of the teachers and researchers of the Department is carried out primarily at the First and Second cycle degree courses in the computer science sector active both at the School of Science and at the School of Engineering and Architecture of the University of Bologna. DISI also offers a PhD program in Computer Science and Engineering.
The Department is also engaged in science outreach activities.
The mission of DISI
The Department intends to pursue excellence in scientific and technological research in the field of computer science, to consolidate and expand the activities of technology transfer to local authorities, local businesses, public administration and to continue, innovating, the training of professionals in the field of computer science able to meet the demands of the labor market.
Department of Computer Science and Engineering (DISI)

Head office of the Department, Mura Anteo Zamboni 7, Bologna
© Università di Bologna

Laboratory for doctoral students, Mura Anteo Zamboni 7, Bologna
© Università di Bologna

Classroom Ercolani E1, Mura Anteo Zamboni 2B, Bologna
© Università di Bologna

Classrooms and computer laboratories, Mura Anteo Zamboni 2B, Bologna
© Università di Bologna

Teaching activities in the GNU/Linux Laboratory, Mura Anteo Zamboni 2B, Bologna
© Università di Bologna

Teaching activities in the New Classrooms Building, Viale del Risorgimento 2, Bologna
© Università di Bologna

Educational laboratory Lab2, Complex of Viale del Risorgimento, Bologna
© Università di Bologna

Lecture hall, Cesena Campus, via dell'Università 50
© Università di Bologna

Computer laboratory 2.2, Cesena Campus, via dell'Università 50
© Università di Bologna/Claudio Turci