Department governing bodies

The organs of the Department are the Director, the Vice Director, the Administrative Manager, the Department Council and the Department Council.


Prof. Andrea Omicini

The Director is a professor of the Department, remains in office for three years and is renewable once. He is elected by the Department Council.

The Director has the function of directing, initiating and coordinating the scientific and educational activities of the Department; he is responsible for the implementation of what has been decided by the collegial bodies, he directs and coordinates the technical-administrative staff on the basis of the provisions of the Regulation of Organization, he supervises the research activities, taking care of the evaluation, and the division of teaching duties among professors and researchers of the Department, according to the guidelines of the University on educational planning and he supervises the fulfillment of these tasks. He also presides over the Department Council and the Department Committee.


Prof. Luciano Bononi
He is appointed by the Director. He substitutes the Director in case of absence or impediment.

Administrative Manager

Dr. Teresa Maria Libonati

The Administrative Manager coordinates the administrative services and offices of the Department. Technically prepares the budget and the balance sheet, as well as the balance sheet. It supports the Organs according to the rules of the regulations in force on accounting and organization of services and assumes the functions of secretary in the Council and the Council of the Department. It collaborates with the Director for all activities concerning the best functioning of the structure.

The Department Council

The Council is the governing body of the Department to which is entrusted the development and planning activities, as well as the choice of criteria for their implementation.

It is composed of professors, researchers belonging to the Department and representatives of the technical-administrative staff, research assistants, doctoral students and students.

The Council is chaired by the Director, Prof. Andrea Omicini.

The Secretary is the Administrative Manager, Dr. Teresa Maria Libonati.


The tasks of the Department Council, in the composition defined by the Regulations of the Department, are the following:

  • elect the Department Director
  • dictate the general criteria for the use of funds allocated to the Department for research;
  • approve an annual plan for the development of research of interest to the Department;
  • formulate requests for teaching and research positions, which are then forwarded to the Schools;
  • express opinions regarding contract Professors;
  • collaborate with the governing bodies of the University.

Representatives in the Department Council

  • Student representatives: Giacomo Antonelli, Andrea Bocchini, Gregorio Cavulla, Paolo De Angelis, Valerio Pio De Nicola, Nicole Giulianelli, Eyad Lorenzo Issa, Andrea Manoni
  • Technical-Administrative staff representatives: Lucia Adamo, Leonardo Corbo, Marco Costante, Zuzanna Maria Flisowska-Caridi, Carmelo Sergio Geraci, Marco Giordani, Elvira Julian, Giuseppe Martuscelli, Carlotta Petolicchio, Luca Siligardi, Valerio Velino, Alice Zanna.

The minutes of the Department Council meetings are available in the virtual spaces of collaboration.

The Department Committee

The Commitee is the governing body of the Department which assists the Director. In addition to expressing its opinion to the Director of the Department regarding the exercise of its functions, it also exercises a deliberative role in relation to any functions delegated to it by the Council.

The Committee remains in office for three academic years and the renewal is simultaneous for all components.

Components of the DISI Committee

The Department Committee is composed, in addition to the Director, who presides over it, by a representation of first and second level professors and researchers. The Administrative Manager is also part of the Board, with an advisory vote.

  1. OMICINI ANDREA - Director
  2. BONONI LUCIANO - Vice-director
  3. MIRRI SILVIA - UOS Manager
  4. LIBONATI TERESA MARIA – Administrative Manager
  5. CIANCARINI PAOLO – Full Professors' representative
  6. COLAJANNI MICHELE - Full Professors' representative
  7. MALTONI DAVIDE - Full Professors' representative
  8. DI IORIO ANGELO - Associate Professors' representative
  9. FERRARA MATTEO - Associate Professors' representative
  10. TORRONI PAOLO - Associate Professors' representative
  11. GIALLORENZO SAVERIO - Researchers' representative
  12. POGGI MATTEO - Researchers' representative
  13. GERACI CARMELO SERGIO- Representative of Technical-Administrative staff
  14. GIORDANI MARCO - Representative of Technical-Administrative staff
  15. ISSA EYAD LORENZO - Students' representative
  16. BELLAVISTA PAOLO - Designated by the Director
  17. CIAMPOLINI ANNA - Designated by the Director
  18. ZAVATTARO GIANLUIGI - Designated by the Director

The representatives of the assignees in the Department Council are invited to the Committee meetings.

The minutes of the meetings of the Department Committee are available in the virtual collaboration spaces.

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