Institutional Contacts
The Department Director may delegate authority for cross-cutting issues of particular importance.
Delegations of the Department Director
- Vice-Director Prof. Luciano Bononi
The Vice-Director replaces the Director in case of absence or temporary impediment. He is appointed by the Director immediately after his inauguration. - Head of the UOS of Cesena prof. Mirko Viroli
The Head of the UOS is elected by the Department Council among the professors belonging to the UOS and coordinates the teaching and research activities carried out in Cesena. He is in charge of ordinary administration. - Delegate for research: Prof. Davide Maltoni
- Delegate for internationalization: Prof. Luca Foschini
- Delegate for Open Science: Prof. Davide Maltoni
- Coordinator of Third Mission Commission: Prof. Marco Di Felice
- Coordinator of VRA area 1-9 Commission: Prof. Gianluigi Zavattaro
- Library Commission Coordinator: Prof. Ilaria Bartolini
- Coordinator of the Computer Services Commission: Dr. Marco Giordani
Proxies of the Rector
The Rector may grant delegations and project assignments for transversal themes of particular relevance.
- Vice-Rector for Digital Transformation: Prof. Rebecca Montanari
Andrea Omicini
Professore ordinario
Dipartimento di Informatica - Scienza e Ingegneria
Teresa Maria Libonati
Area dei Funzionari - Settore amministrativo - gestionale
DISI - Servizi amministrativi
Mura Anteo Zamboni 7
Bologna (BO)
Tel: +39 051 20 9 4873