The event is organized to discuss and publicize the state of the art and prospects of scientific and technological research combining Quantum Science and Technology, and Artificial Intelligence. The event program includes a popularization panel, scientific presentations, and a review of research on the topic at the University of Bologna.
Elisa Ercolessi, DIFA, University of Bologna; Michela Milano, DISI, University of Bologna; Alessio Jacona; Tommaso Calarco, DIFA, University of Bologna; Sara Marzella, Quantum Computing Lab, CINECA; Stefano Lodi, DISI, University of Bologna; Tobias Stollenwerk, Forschungszentrum Jülich; Angelo Oddi, ISTC-CNR
Curated by:
Alma Mater Research Center for Human Centered Artificial Intelligence - Alma AI, Centro sulle Scienze e Tecnologie Quantistiche - AlmaQ
In collaboration with:
FAIR - Future Artificial Intelligence Research, ICSC - Centro Nazionale di Ricerca in HPC, Big Data and Quantum Computing