
  • Enrico Denti, Andrea Omicini, Alessandro Ricci, Task-Oriented Engineering of Coordinated Software Systems, in: Concurrent Engineering – The Vision for the Future Generation in Research and Applications, LEIDEN, A A BALKEMA PUBLISHERS, 2003, 1: Enhanced Interoperable Systems, pp. 199 - 205 (atti di: 10th ISPE International Conference, Madeira, Portugal, 26-30 July 2003) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

  • Andrea Omicini, Towards a Notion of Agent Coordination Context, in: Process Coordination and Ubiquitous Computing, Boca Raton, FL, CRC Press –Taylor & Francis Group, 2003, pp. 187 - 200 [Chapter or essay]

  • Andrea Omicini, Sascha Ossowski, Objective versus Subjective Coordination in the Engineering of Agent Systems, in: Intelligent Information Agents: An AgentLink Perspective, HEIDELBERGER PLATZ 3, D-14197 BERLIN, GERMANY, SPRINGER-VERLAG BERLIN, 2003, pp. 179 - 202 (LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE) [Chapter or essay]

  • Campanini, R; Bazzani, A; Bevilacqua, A; Bollini, D; Dongiovanni, D; Iampieri, E; Lanconelli, N; Riccardi, A; Roffilli, M; Tazzoli, R, A novel approach to mass detection in digital mammography based on Support Vector Machines (SVM), in: Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Digital Mammography (IWDM), HEIDELBERGER PLATZ 3, D-14197 BERLIN, GERMANY, SPRINGER-VERLAG BERLIN, 2003, pp. 399 - 401 (atti di: Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Digital Mammography (IWDM), Bremen, Germany,, June 22-25, 2002) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

  • Padovani, Luca, MathML Formatting with TeX Rules, TeX Fonts, and TeX Quality, «TUGBOAT», 2003, 24, pp. 53 - 61 [Scientific article]

  • Padovani, Luca, On the Roles of LaTeX and MathML in Encoding and Processing Mathematical Expressions, in: Mathematical Knowledge Management, DEU, Springer, 2003, LNCS 2594, pp. 66 - 79 (atti di: 2nd International Conference on Mathematical Knowledge Management, Bertinoro, Italy, 16-18 Febbraio 2003) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

  • Aubert B.; Bazan A.; Boucham A.; Boutigny D.; De Bonis I.; Favier J.; Gaillard J.-M.; Jeremie A.; Karyotakis Y.; Le Flour T.; Lees J.P.; Lieunard S.; Petitpas P.; Robbe P.; Tisserand V.; Zachariadou K.; Palano A.; Chen G.P.; Chen J.C.; Qi N.D.; Rong G.; Wang P.; Zhu Y.S.; Eigen G.; Reinertsen P.L.; Stugu B.; Abbott B.; Abrams G.S.; Amerman L.; Borgland A.W.; Breon A.B.; Brown D.N.; Button-Shafer J.; Clark A.R.; Dardin S.; Day C.; Dow S.F.; Fan Q.; Gaponenko I.; Gill M.S.; Goozen F.R.; Gowdy S.J.; Gritsan A.; Groysman Y.; Hernikl C.; Jacobsen R.G.; Jared R.C.; Kadel R.W.; Kadyk J.; Karcher A.; Kerth L.T.; Kipnis I.; Kluth S.; Kral J.F.; Lafever R.; LeClerc C.; Levi M.E.; Lewis S.A.; Lionberger C.; Liu T.; Long M.; Luo L.; Lynch G.; Luft P.; Mandelli E.; Marino M.; Marks K.; Matuk C.; Meyer A.B.; Minor R.; Mokhtarani A.; Momayezi M.; Nyman M.; Oddone P.J.; Ohnemus J.; Oshatz D.; Patton S.; Pedrali-Noy M.; Perazzo A.; Peters C.; Pope W.; Pripstein M.; Quarrie D.R.; Rasson J.E.; Roe N.A.;, The BABAR detector, «NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH. SECTION A, ACCELERATORS, SPECTROMETERS, DETECTORS AND ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT», 2002, 479, pp. 1 - 116 [Scientific article]

  • Loli, Piccolomini E.; Zama, F.; Zanghirati, G.; Formiconi, A., Regularization methods in dynamic MRI, «APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTATION», 2002, 132, pp. 325 - 339 [Scientific article]

  • Di Stefano, L.; Marchionni, M.; Mattoccia, S.; Neri, G., Quantitative evaluation of area-based stereo matching, in: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision, ICARCV 2002, 2002, pp. 1110 - 1115 (atti di: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision, ICARC 2002, Singapore, sgp, 2002) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

  • Luigi Di Stefano.; Mattoccia S., Real-time stereo within the VIDET project, «REAL-TIME IMAGING», 2002, 8, pp. 439 - 453 [Scientific article]

  • Di Stefano, L.; Marchionni, M.; Mattoccia, S.; Neri, G., Dense stereo based on the uniqueness constraint, in: Proceedings - International Conference on Pattern Recognition, «INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PATTERN RECOGNITION», 2002, 16, pp. 657 - 660 (atti di: 16th IAPR/IEEE International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR 2002), Quebec City, Canada, August 11-15, 2002) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

  • Ciaccia P.; Patella M., Searching in Metric Spaces with User-Defined and Approximate Distances, «ACM TRANSACTIONS ON DATABASE SYSTEMS», 2002, 27, pp. 398 - 437 [Scientific article]

  • Bartolini I.; Ciaccia P.; Patella M., String matching with metric trees using an approximate distance, in: String Processing and Information Retrieval, Springer Verlag, «LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE», 2002, 2476, pp. 271 - 283 (atti di: 9th International Symposium on String Processing and Information Retrieval, SPIRE 2002, Lisbon, Portugal, September 2002) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

  • Bevilacqua A., A methodological approach to parallel simulated annealing on an SMP system, «JOURNAL OF PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED COMPUTING», 2002, 62, pp. 1548 - 1570 [Scientific article]

  • Faldella, E.; Prandini, M., A flexible scheme for on-line public-key certificate status updating and verification, in: Proceedings - IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications, 10662 LOS VAQUEROS CIRCLE, PO BOX 3014, LOS ALAMITOS, CA 90720-1264 USA, IEEE COMPUTER SOC, «PROCEEDINGS - IEEE SYMPOSIUM ON COMPUTERS AND COMMUNICATIONS», 2002, pp. 891 - 898 (atti di: 7th International Symposium on Computers and Communications, ISCC 2002, Taormina-Giardini Naxos, IT, 01-04 July 2002) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

  • Roccetti M.; Ghini V.; Salomoni P.; Gambetti A.; Melandri D.; Piaggesi M.; Salsi D., The structuring of a wireless internet application for a music-on-demand service on UMTS devices, in: Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, ACM, 2002, pp. 1066 - 1073 (atti di: Applied Computing 2002: Proceeedings of the 2002 ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, Madrid, Spain, 2002) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

  • Bellavista P.; Corradi A., How to support Internet-based distribution of video on demand to portable devices, in: Proceedings - IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications, 10662 LOS VAQUEROS CIRCLE, PO BOX 3014, LOS ALAMITOS, CA 90720-1264 USA, IEEE COMPUTER SOC, «PROCEEDINGS - IEEE SYMPOSIUM ON COMPUTERS AND COMMUNICATIONS», 2002, pp. 126 - 132 (atti di: 7th International Symposium on Computers and Communications, ISCC 2002, Taormina-Giardini Naxos, ita, 2002) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

  • Gaspari Mauro; Roveda Gianluigi; Scandellari Cinzia; Stecchi Sergio, An expert system for the evaluation of EDSS in multiple sclerosis, «ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IN MEDICINE», 2002, 25, pp. 187 - 210 [Scientific article]

  • Cappelli R.; Lumini A.; Maio D., MKL-tree: A hierarchical data structure for indexing multidimensional data, in: Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), Berlin, Springer Verlag, 2002, pp. 914 - 924 (LECTURE NOTES IN ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE) [Chapter or essay]

  • Ricci A.; Omicini A.; Denti E., Virtual enterprises and workflow management as agent coordination issues, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COOPERATIVE INFORMATION SYSTEMS», 2002, 11, pp. 355 - 379 [Scientific article]