Mobile systems, cyber physical systems, IoT, and real time systems

DISI's research goals in this area include effective and efficient solutions for the modeling, design, implementation and experimental evaluation of middleware supports for mobile devices and networks, capable of accelerating and simplifying the development of mobile applications and scalably supporting their execution on real deployment environments. Such solutions include, for example, predictive middleware for always best connectivity, middleware for spontaneous networks hybridized with social networks, models and architectures for efficient cross-layering, middleware for mobile crowdsensing in urban environments. Moreover, DISI is active in the area of management of vehicular networks, systems and applications (also for collaborative monitoring of vehicular traffic and collaborative safety). Finally, in the specific area of cyber physical systems, the main research activities concern the design, implementation and experimental validation of middleware for smart environments, with particular reference to smart home/city scenarios. These solutions have as main objectives

  1. the management of sensors, actuators and heterogeneous wireless networks through appropriate clustering techniques for scalability and dynamic deployment of proxies;
  2. the transparent management of operational safety areas for implementation actions;
  3. the optimization of embedded Network on Chip system architectures and heterogeneous communication protocols, especially in the machine-to-machine environment and for the reduction of energy consumption on battery-powered systems.


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Gianluca Aguzzi

Adjunct professor

Research fellow

keywords: pervasive computing, intelligenza artificiale, distributed systems, multi-agent learning, programming paradigms
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Paolo Bellavista

Full Professor

keywords: Edge Cloud Computing, Mobile Middleware, Industrial IoT, Big Data Online Stream Processing, Wireless Sensor Networks,

Alessandro Bevilacqua

Assistant professor

keywords: 3D computer vision, machine learning, pattern recognition, medical and biomedical imaging, aerial and satellite
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Luciano Bononi

Full Professor

keywords: Network Communication Protocols and architectures, Wireless networks and systems, Sustainable electric vehicular
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Samuele Burattini

PhD Student

Teaching tutor

keywords: Pervasive Computing, Human-Computer Interaction, Agent-Oriented Programming, Mixed Reality, Web of Things, Digital Twins
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Roberto Casadei

Senior assistant professor (fixed-term)

keywords: artificial intelligence, programming paradigms, collective systems, distributed systems, pervasive computing, Internet
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Gabriele D'Angelo

Assistant professor

keywords: Simulation, Computer and Internet security, Distributed systems, Parallel and distributed simulation, Performance
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Marco Di Felice

Full Professor

keywords: Pervasive and mobile systems, Internet of Things, Context-aware systems, Robotic networks, Edge computing and edge AI
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Jocelyne Elias

Associate Professor

keywords: Networks, Virtualization, Wearable Technologies, Optimization, Game Theory
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Alfonso Esposito

PhD Student

Teaching tutor

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Muhammad Azaz Farooq

PhD Student

Teaching tutor

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Angelo Feraudo

PhD Student

Research fellow

Teaching tutor

keywords: vehicular networks, vehicular computing, ETSI MEC, simulation,o-ran, 5G
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Luca Foschini

Full Professor

keywords: Context Data Distribution, Context-Aware Systems, Session Initiation Protocol (SIP), Mobile Multimedia, Session
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Vittorio Ghini

Associate Professor

keywords: Terminal mobility architectures, Multi-layer simulation for IoT systems, Network load balancing, Energy consumption
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Saverio Giallorenzo

Fixed-term Researcher in Tenure Track L. 79/2022

keywords: Programming Languages, Process Algebras, Session Types, Choreographic Programming, Microservices, Dynamic Adaptability,
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Roberto Girau

Senior assistant professor (fixed-term)

keywords: internet of things, cloud computing, smart city
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Abdelsalam Ali Helal

Full Professor

keywords: Architectural and programmability aspects of the Internet of Things (IoT), Service-oriented IoT architectures, IoT edge

Florian Hofer

Research fellow

keywords: Industry 4.0, PLC, RealTime Linux, Container, Programmable Logic Controller
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Ivan Lanese

Associate Professor

keywords: Quantum computing, Reversible languages, Multiparty sessions, Service-oriented computing
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Stefano Mattoccia

Associate Professor

keywords: Computer vision, Machine learning, Deep-learning, 3D perception, Stereo vision, monocular depth estimation, Embedded
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Andrea Melis

Junior assistant professor (fixed-term)

keywords: Security, Cybersecurity, Privacy
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Silvia Mirri

Full Professor

keywords: Web accessibility, User Profiling, Multimedia Content Adaptation and transcoding
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Rebecca Montanari

Full Professor

keywords: Policy-based management systems, Access-control models, Adaptive service provisioning in mobile systems, Semantic-based
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Mirco Musolesi

Full Professor

keywords: Artificial intelligence, Machine learning, Foundational models, Large language models, Generative Artificial
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Ghulam Mustafa

PhD Student

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Andrea Omicini

Full Professor

keywords: simulation, intelligent agents, multiparadigm languages, self-organising systems, pervasive computing, multiagent
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Danilo Pianini

Senior assistant professor (fixed-term)

keywords: simulation, aggregate programming, Internet of Things, self-organization, complex systems, biomimicry
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Catia Prandi

Associate Professor

keywords: Human-Computer Interaction, Citizen science, Sustainable HCI, Mobile HCI, Interaction Design, Social and Pervasive
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Marco Prandini

Associate Professor

keywords: Software defined networking, E-voting, Intrusion detection, Penetration testing, Cloud security, IoT security, Industry
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Davide Rossi

Associate Professor

keywords: software engineering, web technologies, business process management, knwoledge graphs, coordination, process modeling
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Silvio Russo

PhD Student

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Tina Salerno

PhD Student

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Paola Salomoni

Full Professor

keywords: inclusive e-Learning, CSCW, crowdsensing, crowdsourcing, accessible smart city
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Luca Sciullo

Junior assistant professor (fixed-term)

keywords: Internet of Things (IoT), Web of Things (WoT), Blockchain, Digital Twin, Industry 4.0
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Domenico Scotece

Junior assistant professor (fixed-term)

keywords: Fog Computing, Cloud Computing, IoT, Mobile Edge Computing, Mobile Cloud Computing, Wireless Network, Software Defined
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Giancarlo Succi

Full Professor

keywords: Empirical software engineering, agile methods, open source, software metrics, application of artificial intelligence to
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Angelo Trotta

Junior assistant professor (fixed-term)

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Giorgio Tsiotas

PhD Student

keywords: Computer Vision, Internet of Things, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Natural Language Processing
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Mirko Viroli

Full Professor

keywords: Object-oriented languages, Multiagent systems, Simulation and verification, Coordination, Software engineering,

Stefano Pio Zingaro

Junior assistant professor (fixed-term)

keywords: Machine learning, Microservices, Artificial intelligence, Early school leaving
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