Software engineering

The global demand for software development, extension and upgrade will far exceed the rate at which the industry can deliver it in the near future. Scaling to much higher levels of productivity requires the ability to rapidly configure
quickly, adapting and assembling software components to produce similar but distinct families of systems. This requires a transition from craft to advanced industrial techniques, with an evolution similar to that experienced by other
industries in the past. Advanced meta-models and related software factories are being developed at DISI to move in this direction of high throughput and rapid prototyping. Research is also focused on software architectures where theories, models and techniques
architectural design theories, models and techniques make systematic the construction of software structures and their disciplined composition (including architectural styles and methods) into systems. In addition, at DISI we work on advanced forms of
service-oriented computing, a programming paradigm based on the dynamic composition of services from different and independent vendors. Finally, models to control the complexity of these systems at different levels of abstraction, and languages to program them, are studied.


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Gianluca Aguzzi

Adjunct professor

Research fellow

keywords: pervasive computing, intelligenza artificiale, distributed systems, multi-agent learning, programming paradigms
keywords: Quantum Computing, Artificial Intelligence, Data Science, Deep Learning and Machine Learning
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Lorenzo Bacchiani

PhD Student

Research fellow

Teaching tutor

keywords: Microservices, Distributed Systems, Dynamic Adaptability, Programming Languages
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Samuele Burattini

PhD Student

Teaching tutor

keywords: Pervasive Computing, Human-Computer Interaction, Agent-Oriented Programming, Mixed Reality, Web of Things, Digital Twins
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Roberta Calegari

Adjunct professor

Research fellow

keywords: logic programming, distributed systems, service-oriented architectures, pervasive systems, intelligent systems, LPaaS,
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Roberto Casadei

Senior assistant professor (fixed-term)

keywords: artificial intelligence, programming paradigms, collective systems, distributed systems, pervasive computing, Internet
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Paolo Ciancarini

Full Professor

keywords: Coordination languages and models, Multiagent architectures, Semantic web, Entertainment computing, Digital documents,
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Enrico Denti

Associate Professor

keywords: Multi-agent systems, Programming languages, Agent-oriented software engineering, Software Infrastructures, Internet of

Giuseppe De Palma

PhD Student

Teaching tutor

keywords: Serverless
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Saverio Giallorenzo

Fixed-term Researcher in Tenure Track L. 79/2022

keywords: Programming Languages, Process Algebras, Session Types, Choreographic Programming, Microservices, Dynamic Adaptability,
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Lorenzo Gigli

PhD Student

Research fellow

Teaching tutor

keywords: Internet of Things, IoT, Web of Things, WoT
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Roberto Gorrieri

Full Professor

keywords: Models for the description of concurrent systems, Process algebras and Petri nets, Information-flow security,
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Ghulam Mustafa

PhD Student

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Andrea Omicini

Full Professor

keywords: simulation, intelligent agents, multiparadigm languages, self-organising systems, pervasive computing, multiagent
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Danilo Pianini

Senior assistant professor (fixed-term)

keywords: simulation, aggregate programming, Internet of Things, self-organization, complex systems, biomimicry

Adnan Riaz

PhD Student

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Davide Rossi

Associate Professor

keywords: software engineering, web technologies, business process management, knwoledge graphs, coordination, process modeling
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Silvio Russo

PhD Student

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Domenico Scotece

Junior assistant professor (fixed-term)

keywords: Fog Computing, Cloud Computing, IoT, Mobile Edge Computing, Mobile Cloud Computing, Wireless Network, Software Defined
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Giancarlo Succi

Full Professor

keywords: Empirical software engineering, agile methods, open source, software metrics, application of artificial intelligence to
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Mirko Viroli

Full Professor

keywords: Object-oriented languages, Multiagent systems, Simulation and verification, Coordination, Software engineering,
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Fabio Vitali

Full Professor

keywords: markup languages, Digital Publishing, hypertext systems, document formats, Explainable Artificial Intelligence, User

Stefano Pio Zingaro

Junior assistant professor (fixed-term)

keywords: Machine learning, Microservices, Artificial intelligence, Early school leaving