Web technologies: models, semantics, social networks, and user experience

DISI's research on Web and Semantic Web technologies has the primary goal of providing theoretical models, software prototypes, ontologies and databases relevant to projects and applications of information and document systems in the Web and Semantic Web domain. In this area are included lines of research oriented to the study of semi-structured or unstructured data from social networking applications (using proprietary APIs and emerging standards), to the consequent social-aware analysis of data and behaviors (in order to determine emerging patterns and with the aim of coarse-grained predictive estimates), to the realization of services, prototypes and models for the web and for publishing (particularly scientific) based on a strongly declarative approach, (in which structural and semantic markup languages, ontological and semantic models for knowledge representation, and the systematic and continuous verification of results characterize the algorithms and software tools created for their manipulation), and the verification and analysis of the usability of the tools created and the user experience induced in their recipients.


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Antonella Carbonaro

Associate Professor

keywords: data and knowledge representation, explanability, IoT, IoMT, semantic web, digital health
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Paolo Ciancarini

Full Professor

keywords: Coordination languages and models, Multiagent architectures, Semantic web, Entertainment computing, Digital documents,
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Angelo Di Iorio

Associate Professor

keywords: Web Technologies, Diff and versioning, Formatting and pagination, Markup Languages, Document engineering, Semantic
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Luca Foschini

Full Professor

keywords: Context Data Distribution, Context-Aware Systems, Session Initiation Protocol (SIP), Mobile Multimedia, Session
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Giacomo Frisoni

Research fellow

Teaching tutor

keywords: Text Mining, Natural Language Processing, Natural Language Understanding, Neuro-Symbolic Learning, Knowledge Graphs
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Lorenzo Gigli

PhD Student

Research fellow

Teaching tutor

keywords: Internet of Things, IoT, Web of Things, WoT
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Fabio Grandi

Associate Professor

keywords: Temporal database, Schema versioning, Ontology versioning, E-government, E-health, Semantic web
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Silvia Mirri

Full Professor

keywords: Web accessibility, User Profiling, Multimedia Content Adaptation and transcoding
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Danilo Montesi

Full Professor

keywords: Big data, Social network and medical data analysis, Structured, semi structured and unstructured data analysis
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Gianluca Moro

Associate Professor

keywords: Text mining, Data mining, Deep learning, Cross-modal text and images retrieval, Transfer learning, Ad hoc data centric
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Carlo Teo Pedretti

PhD Student

Teaching tutor

keywords: Semantic Web technologies, information visualization, visual studies
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Wilma Penzo

Assistant professor

keywords: Ontologies, Semantic Web, Query answering on graph databases, Query answering on data streams
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Andrea Poltronieri

PhD Student

Teaching tutor

keywords: music information retrieval, semantic technologies, computational musicology, linked open data, pattern extraction,
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Catia Prandi

Associate Professor

keywords: Human-Computer Interaction, Citizen science, Sustainable HCI, Mobile HCI, Interaction Design, Social and Pervasive
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Davide Rossi

Associate Professor

keywords: software engineering, web technologies, business process management, knwoledge graphs, coordination, process modeling
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Paola Salomoni

Full Professor

keywords: inclusive e-Learning, CSCW, crowdsensing, crowdsourcing, accessible smart city
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Domenico Scotece

Junior assistant professor (fixed-term)

keywords: Fog Computing, Cloud Computing, IoT, Mobile Edge Computing, Mobile Cloud Computing, Wireless Network, Software Defined
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Giancarlo Succi

Full Professor

keywords: Empirical software engineering, agile methods, open source, software metrics, application of artificial intelligence to
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Fabio Vitali

Full Professor

keywords: markup languages, Digital Publishing, hypertext systems, document formats, Explainable Artificial Intelligence, User