Mercoledì 22 aprile alle ore 14.30 presso l'Aula C1 (laboratorio bioinformatica) via S.Giacomo 9, Bologna, il Prof. Raffaele Giancarlo del Dipartimento di Matematica ed Informatica dell'Università di Palermo terrà un seminario dal titolo "Life sciences and algorithmic design. The need for speed, the joy of speed".
Recent tecnological advances in support of investigations in the Life Sciences have drastically exposed the limits of current computational and algorithimic approaches, posing the problem for the design of new ones. In this talk, we focus on four particularly relevant domains and shed light on a very natural question: theoretical and experimantal advances in the design and analysis of algorithms, do have an impact to alleviate on the “Data Deluge” taking place in the Life Sciences? The answer is somewhat surprising…