Seminario "Vehicular Networks and Autonomous Driving"

  • Data: 06 maggio 2015 dalle 10:30 alle 12:00

  • Luogo: Aula Ercolani 1, Dipartimento di Informatica - Scienza e Ingegneria, Mura Anteo Zamboni 2b

Il Dr. Giovanni Pau, ATOS/Renault smart mobility Chair Professor della University Pierre at Marie Curie, Paris France, terrà mercoledì 6 maggio, ore 10,30 in Aula E1, Dipartimento di Informatica —Scienza e Ingegneria, Mura Anteo Zamboni, 2/b Bologna un seminario dal  titolo: "Vehicular Networks and Autonomous Driving"



Vehicular networks have been investigated by industry and academia for over a decade yet no actual deployments are on the road today; this due to inadequate technical solutions and a vertical market that slows down innovation.  Recent innovations in autonomous driving,  however, are reinforcing the case for connected vehicles able to communicate both V2I and V2V in support of cooperative driving and machine-to-machine information exchange.

In this talk we will give a brief introduction to Vehicular networks and lay out open research issues as well as propose few solutions for the V2V case.



Giovanni Pau is the ATOS/Renault smart mobility Chair Professor at the University Pierre at Marie Curie, Paris France.

He holds the Italian Laura in Computer Science and the PhD in Computer Engineering awarded by the University of Bologna in 1998 and 2002 respectively.

Before Joining UPMC Dr. Pau was a Senior Research Scientist at the UCLA Computer Science Department where he still retains the position of Adjunct Professor.

Dr. Pau core research interests are in Network Systems with focus on Vehicular Networks and pervasive mobile sensor systems.

He designed and built the UCLA campus vehicular testbed and the UCLA/MPI urban sensing testbed designed to enable hands-on studies on vehicular communications  and urban sensing. His research contributions lead to the VERGILIUS and CORNER simulation suites designed to support mobility and propagation modeling in urban environments.

More recently, Dr. Pau designed and developed VNDN the Named Data Network (NDN) protocol stack specifically adapted to work on mobile-to-mobile scenarios.

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