Autonomic and complex systems

Especially in the area of highly dynamic, autonomous, distributed and large-scale systems, traditional development, configuration and management techniques are often inadequate, both in terms of excessive complexity and inefficient overall performance. DISI is active in research areas related to self-organization of complex and autonomous systems, as a fundamental abstraction to achieve self-* properties through a bottom up methodology that allows us to obtain fully decentralized, extremely robust and scalable solutions. In addition, advanced coordination models are investigated, capable of coping with the unpredictability of behavior of parts of the system outside the control of the design, both for legacy and deployment reasons. DISI's research focuses on studying these systems, designing models to describe self-organizing systems, and analyzing and predicting fundamental properties of these complex systems, such as stability, resilience, and the ability to meet certain levels of quality of service.


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Gianluca Aguzzi

Adjunct professor

Research fellow

keywords: pervasive computing, intelligenza artificiale, distributed systems, multi-agent learning, programming paradigms
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Ozalp Babaoglu

Full Professor

keywords: High-Performance Computing, Machine learning, Predictive data analytics, Energy efficiency, Fault tolerance,
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Paolo Bellavista

Full Professor

keywords: Edge Cloud Computing, Mobile Middleware, Industrial IoT, Big Data Online Stream Processing, Wireless Sensor Networks,

Alessandro Bevilacqua

Assistant professor

keywords: 3D computer vision, machine learning, pattern recognition, medical and biomedical imaging, aerial and satellite
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Andrea Borghesi

Senior assistant professor (fixed-term)

keywords: Artificial Intelligence, Agent-based Models, Machine Learning, Constraint Programming, Deep Learning, Supercomputers,
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Samuele Burattini

PhD Student

Teaching tutor

keywords: Pervasive Computing, Human-Computer Interaction, Agent-Oriented Programming, Mixed Reality, Web of Things, Digital Twins
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Roberto Casadei

Senior assistant professor (fixed-term)

keywords: artificial intelligence, programming paradigms, collective systems, distributed systems, pervasive computing, Internet
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Anna Ciampolini

Full Professor

keywords: artificial intelligence, cloud computing, intelligent agents, high performance computing, virtualization
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Enrico Denti

Associate Professor

keywords: Multi-agent systems, Programming languages, Agent-oriented software engineering, Software Infrastructures, Internet of
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Giorgio Franceschelli

PhD Student

Research fellow

Teaching tutor

keywords: Deep Learning, Generative Models, Reinforcement Learning, Creative AI, Intellectual Property

Özlem Kaya

PhD Student

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Daniela Loreti

Junior assistant professor (fixed-term)

keywords: Sustainable HPC algorithms, Evaluation and containment of the energy consumption of AI algorithms., Parallel
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Enrico Mannocci

PhD Student

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Moreno Marzolla

Associate Professor

keywords: High Performance Computing, Systems Performance Modeling, Complex Systems Analysis, Distributed Systems and Algorithms
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Mirco Musolesi

Full Professor

keywords: Artificial intelligence, Machine learning, Foundational models, Large language models, Generative Artificial
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Ghulam Mustafa

PhD Student

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Andrea Omicini

Full Professor

keywords: simulation, intelligent agents, multiparadigm languages, self-organising systems, pervasive computing, multiagent
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Danilo Pianini

Senior assistant professor (fixed-term)

keywords: simulation, aggregate programming, Internet of Things, self-organization, complex systems, biomimicry
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Andrea Roli

Assistant professor

keywords: Artificial intelligence, Complex systems, Bio-inspired robotics, Swarm robotics, Complex systems biology, Genetic
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Davide Rossi

Associate Professor

keywords: software engineering, web technologies, business process management, knwoledge graphs, coordination, process modeling
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Angelo Trotta

Junior assistant professor (fixed-term)

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Mirko Viroli

Full Professor

keywords: Object-oriented languages, Multiagent systems, Simulation and verification, Coordination, Software engineering,