Matteo Casadei; Andrea Omicini; Mirko Viroli, Prototyping A&A ReSpecT in Maude, in: Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on the Foundations of Coordination Languages and Software Architectures (FOCLASA 2007), 2008, 194, pp. 93 - 109 (atti di: 6th International Workshop on Foundations of Coordination Languages and Software Architectures (FOCLASA'07), CONCUR'07, Lisbon, Portugal, 8 September 2007) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]
Ambra Molesini; Enrico Denti; Andrea Omicini, From AO methodologies to MAS infrastructures: The SODA case study, in: Engineering Societies in the Agents World VIII, Heidelberg, Springer, 2008, pp. 300 - 317 (LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE) [Capitolo/Saggio in libro]
Andrea Omicini; Alessandro Ricci; Mirko Viroli, Artifacts in the A&A meta-model for multi-agent systems, «AUTONOMOUS AGENTS AND MULTI-AGENT SYSTEMS», 2008, 17, pp. 432 - 456 [Articolo in rivista]
Andrea Omicini; Alessandro Ricci; Giuseppe Vizzari, Smart environments as agent workspaces, «UBIQUITOUS COMPUTING AND COMMUNICATION JOURNAL», 2008, Special Issue - CPE [Articolo in rivista]
M.J.Blesa; C.Blum; C.Cotta; A.J.Fernández; J.E.Gallardo; A.Roli; M.Sampels, Proceedings of HM 2008 -- Fifth International Workshop on Hybrid Metaheuristics, BERLIN, Springer, 2008, pp. 213 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science). [Curatela]
Enrico Oliva; Peter McBurney; Andrea Omicini, Co-argumentation artifact for agent societies, in: Argumentation in Multi-Agent Systems, Heidelberg, Springer, 2008, pp. 31 - 46 (LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE) [Capitolo/Saggio in libro]
M.J.Blesa; C.Blum; C.Cotta; A.J.Fernández; J.E.Gallardo; A.Roli; M.Sampels, Preface to HM 2008 -- Fifth International Workshop on Hybrid Metaheuristics, in: Proceedings of HM 2008 -- Fifth International Workshop on Hybrid Metaheuristics, BERLIN, Springer, 2008, pp. V - VI [Breve introduzione]
Elena Nardini; Matteo Casadei; Andrea Omicini; Pietro Gaffuri, A conceptual framework for collaborative learning systems based on agent technologies, in: Proceedings of the 2008 International Conference on the Inter- active Computer Aided Learning (ICL 2008), KASSEL, Kassel University Press, 2008(atti di: 2008 International Conference on the Interactive Computer Aided Learning (ICL 2008), Villach, Austria, 24-26 September 2008) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]
C. Blum; M. Blesa; A. Roli; M. Sampels, Hybrid Metaheuristics: An Emerging Approach to Optimization, BERLIN, Springer, 2008, pp. 397 (Studies in computational intelligence). [Curatela]
Peter McBurney; Andrea Omicini, Editorial: Special issue on foundations, advanced topics and industrial perspectives of multi-agent systems, «AUTONOMOUS AGENTS AND MULTI-AGENT SYSTEMS», 2008, 17, pp. 367 - 371 [Articolo in rivista]
Enrico Oliva; Mirko Viroli; Andrea Omicini; Peter McBurney, Argumentation and artifact for dialogue support, in: Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop “Argumentation in Multi-Agent Systems” (ArgMAS 2008), s.l, IFAAMAS, 2008, pp. 24 - 39 (atti di: 5th International Workshop “Argumentation in Multi-Agent Systems” (ArgMAS 2008), AAMAS 2008, Estoril, Portugal, 12 May 2008) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]
Elena Nardini; Andrea Omicini, Agent-based collaboration systems: A case study, in: Knowledge Construction in E-learning Context: CSCL, ODL, ICT and SNA in Education, AACHEN, Sun SITE Central Europe, RWTH Aachen University, «CEUR WORKSHOP PROCEEDINGS», 2008, 398, pp. 30 - 38 (atti di: The 2008 International Conference on Knowledge Construction in E-learning Context: CSCL, ODL, ICT and SNA in Education (KCEC 2008), Symposium “Social Networks and Promotion of Knowledge Construction through E-Learning Tools”, Cesena, Italy, 1-2 September 2008) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]
Sara Montagna; Andrea Omicini; Marco Alberti, Lineage commitment of hematopoietic stem cells: An agent-based model, in: Intelligenza Artificiale e Scienze della Vita, CESENA, AI*IA, 2008, pp. 201 - 214 (atti di: 10º Convegno Associazione Italiana per l’Intelligenza Artificiale (AI*IA 2008), Workshop ”Multi-agent Systems & Bioinformatics” (MAS&BIO 2008), Cagliari, Italy, 11 September 2008) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]
Enrico Denti; Pablo Noriega; Andrea Omicini; Anja Oskamp; Rossella Rubino; Giovanni Sartor, Special Issue “Agents, Institutions and Legal Theory”, AMSTERDAM, Springer, 2008, pp. 145 (Artificial Intelligence and Law). [Curatela]
Andrea Omicini; Peter McBurney, Special Issue on Foundations, Advanced Topics and Industrial Perspectives of Multi-agent Systems, AMSTERDAM, Springer, 2008, pp. 109 (Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems). [Curatela]
Maria Cristina Matteucci; Andrea Omicini; Elena Nardini; Pietro Gaffuri, Knowledge Construction in E-learning Context: CSCL, ODL, ICT and SNA in Education, AACHEN, Sun SITE Central Europe, RWTH Aachen University, 2008, pp. 229 (CEUR WORKSHOP PROCEEDINGS). [Curatela]
Benedettini, S.; Di Gaspero, L.; Roli, Andrea, Towards a highly scalable hybrid metaheuristic for haplotype inference under parsimony, in: Eighth International Conference Hybrid Intelligent Systems, s.l, IEEE Computer Society Press, 2008, pp. 702 - 707 (atti di: 8th International Conference on Hybrid Intelligent Systems, Barcellona (Spagna), 10-12 Settembre 2008) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]
Benedettini, S.; Roli, Andrea; Di Gaspero, L., Two-level ACO for Haplotype Inference under pure parsimony, in: Ant Colony Optimization and Swarm Intelligence, BERLIN, Springer, 2008, LNCS 5217, pp. 179 - 190 (atti di: ANTS 2008 - Sixth International Conference on Ant Colony and Swarm Intelligence, Bruxelles (Belgio), 22-24 Settembre 2008) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]
A. Ricci; Mirko Viroli; Giulio Piancastelli, simpA: A simple agent-oriented Java extension for developing concurrent applications, in: Languages, Methodologies and Development Tools for Multi-Agent Systems, Heidelberg, Springer, «LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE», 2008, pp. 261 - 278 (atti di: First International Workshop, LADS 2007, Durham, 4-6 settembre 2007) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]
Cimadamore Maurizio; Mirko Viroli, On the reification of Java wildcards, «SCIENCE OF COMPUTER PROGRAMMING», 2008, 73(2-3), pp. 59 - 75 [Articolo in rivista]