S. Ferretti; G. D'Angelo, Mobile Online Gaming via Resource Sharing, in: Proceedings of Simutools 2012 - Fifth International Conference on Simulation Tools and Techniques, BRUSSELS, ICST, 2012, pp. 269 - 276 (atti di: Simutools 2012, Fifth International Conference on Simulation Tools and Techniques, Desenzano del Garda (Italy), 19-23/03/2012) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]
G. D'Angelo; S. Ferretti; M. Marzolla, Time Warp on the Go, in: Proceedings of Simutools 2012 - Fifth International Conference on Simulation Tools and Techniques, BRUSSELS, ICST, 2012, pp. 242 - 248 (atti di: Simutools 2012, Fifth International Conference on Simulation Tools and Techniques, Desenzano del Garda (Italy), 19-23/03/2012) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]
M. Cocon; G. Marfia; M. Roccetti, xTrack: A Flexible Real-time 3D Scanner for Home Computing Applications, in: Proceedings of 21st IEEE International Conference on Computer Communication Networks (ICCCN 2012), PISCATAWAY, NJ, IEEE Communications Society, 2012, pp. 1 - 5 (atti di: 21st IEEE International Conference on Computer Communication Networks (ICCCN 2012), Munich, Germany, July 2012) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]
G. Marfia; M. Roccetti; A. Varni; M. Zanichelli, Mercator Atlas Robot: Bridging the Gap between Ancient Maps and Modern Travelers with Gestural Mixed Reality, in: Proceedings of 21st IEEE International Conference on Computer Communication Networks (ICCCN 2012), PISCATAWAY, NJ, IEEE Communications Society, 2012, pp. 1 - 5 (atti di: 21st IEEE International Conference on Computer Communication Networks (ICCCN 2012), Munich, Germany, July 2012) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]
G. D'Angelo; S. Ferretti, Proceedings of 3rd ICST/CREATE-NET Workshop on DIstributed SImulation and Online gaming (DISIO 2012), BRUSSELS, ICST, 2012, pp. 51 . [Curatela]
Z. Kiziltan; A. Lodi; M. Milano; F. Parisini, Bounding, filtering and diversification in CP-based local branching, «JOURNAL OF HEURISTICS», 2012, 18, pp. 353 - 374 [Articolo in rivista]
O. Kafali; P. Torroni, Exception diagnosis in multiagent contract executions, «ANNALS OF MATHEMATICS AND OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE», 2012, 64(1), pp. 73 - 107 [Articolo in rivista]
F. Toni; P. Torroni, Bottom-up argumentation, in: Theory and Applications of Formal Argumentation - First International Workshop, TAFA 2011. Barcelona, Spain, July 16-17, 2011, Revised Selected Papers, HEIDELBERG, Springer-Verlag, «LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE», 2012, 7132, pp. 249 - 262 (atti di: Theory and Applications of Formal Argumentation, Barcelona, Spain, July 16-17, 2011) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]
S. Bragaglia; F. Chesani; P. Mello; M. Montali; P. Torroni, Reactive event calculus for monitoring global computing applications, in: Logic Programs, Norms and Action. Essays in Honor of Marek J. Sergot on the Occasion of His 60th Birthday, HEIDELBERG, Springer-Verlag, 2012, pp. 123 - 146 (LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE) [Capitolo/Saggio in libro]
P. Torroni; F. Chesani; P. Mello; M. Montali, A retrospective on the reactive event calculus and commitment modeling language, in: Declarative Agent Languages and Technologies IX - 9th International Workshop, DALT 2011, Taipei, Taiwan, May 3, 2011, Revised Selected and Invited Papers, HEIDELBERG, Springer-Verlag, 2012, pp. 120 - 127 (LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE) [Capitolo/Saggio in libro]
A.Asperti; F.Guidi, Type systems for dummies, in: TLDI 2012, s.l, ACM, 2012, pp. 79 - 90 (atti di: Proceedings of TLDI 2012: The Seventh ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Types in Languages Design and Implementation, Philadelphia, PA, USA, Saturday, January 28, 2012) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]
G. Marfia; M. Roccetti; G. Matteucci; A. Marcomini, Technoculture of Handcraft: Fine Gesture Recognition for Haute Couture Skills Preservation and Transfer in Italy, in: Proceedings of 39th International Conference and Exhibition on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques - Posters (SIGGRAPH 2012), NEW YORK, Association for Computing Machinery, 2012, pp. 81 - 81 (atti di: SIGGRAPH 2012 - 39th International Conference and Exhibition on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques, Los Angeles, CA, August 2012) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]
V. Ghini; S. Ferretti; F. Panzieri, M-Hippocrates: Enabling Reliable and Interactive Mobile Health Services, «IT PROFESSIONAL», 2012, 14, pp. 29 - 35 [Articolo in rivista]
S. Ferretti, On the Degree Distribution of Faulty Peer-to-Peer Overlay Networks, «ICST TRANSACTIONS ON COMPLEX SYSTEMS», 2012, 12, pp. 1 - 20 [Articolo in rivista]
R. Davoli, Internet of Threads, in: Conferenza GARR_11 selected papers, ROMA, Associazione Consortium GARR, 2012, pp. 44 - 48 (atti di: GARR 11: da 20 anni nel futuro, Bologna, 8-10 novembre 2011) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]
M. Prandini; M. Ramilli, A browser-based distributed system for the detection of HTTPS stripping attacks against web pages, in: Information Security and Privacy Research - Proc. 27th IFIP TC 11 International Information Security and Privacy Conference (SEC2012), HEIDELBERG, Springer, «IFIP ADVANCES IN INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY», 2012, pp. 549 - 554 (atti di: 27th IFIP TC 11 Information Security and Privacy Conference, SEC 2012, Heraklion, Greece, 04/06/2012 - 06/06/2012) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]
W. Cerroni; F. Callegati; B. Martini; P. Castoldi, Analytical Model for Anycast Service Provisioning in Data Center Interconnections, in: Proceedings of 16th International Conference on Optical Network Design and Modelling (ONDM 2012), PISCATAWAY, NJ, IEEE, 2012, pp. 1 - 6 (atti di: 16th International Conference on Optical Network Design and Modelling (ONDM 2012), Colchester, UK, April 17-20, 2012) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]
F. Callegati; W. Cerroni; A. Campi, Application scenarios for cognitive transport service in next-generation networks, «IEEE COMMUNICATIONS MAGAZINE», 2012, 50, pp. 62 - 69 [Articolo in rivista]
M. Lienhardt; I. Lanese; C. A. Mezzina; J.-B. Stefani, A Reversible Abstract Machine and Its Space Overhead, in: Proc. of Formal Techniques for Distributed Systems - Joint 14th IFIP WG 6.1 International Conference, FMOODS 2012 and 32nd IFIP WG 6.1 International Conference, FORTE 2012, BERLIN, Springer, «LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE», 2012, 7273, pp. 1 - 17 (atti di: Formal Techniques for Distributed Systems - Joint 14th IFIP WG 6.1 International Conference, FMOODS 2012 and 32nd IFIP WG 6.1 International Conference, FORTE 2012, Stockholm, Sweden, 13-16 June 2012) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]
R. Cappelli;M. Ferrara, A Fingerprint Retrieval System Based on Level-1 and Level-2 Features, «EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS», 2012, 39, pp. 10465 - 10478 [Articolo in rivista]